Fish Id: A Guide To East Coast Fishes

Small Mouth Bass

Small Mouth Bass Micropterus dolomieui (jaw to pupil of eye) as compared to

Large Mouth Bass

Large Mouth Bass  Micropterus salmoides (jaw to well-past the eye)

The obvious difference is the mouth, but the patterns across the sides also differ as you can see.

Large Mouth Bass were originally indigenous to southeastern Canada through the Great Lakes. Also from Mississippi Valley to Mexico and Florida, from there up the east coast to Maryland. The range has since expanded, naturally and with the help of stocked areas in most states. These fish do best in shallow lakes and the outskirts of rivers, staying in the weeded areas for food and safety. Coloration is green/gold brown with spots on the side resembling a dotted line along the sides of the fish. They east minnows, frogs, crayfish/crawdads, and insects.

Small Mouth Bass prefer rocky waters around 25 feet deep and warm. They eat insect larvae, fish, and crawfish/crawdads. Coloration is golden brown with dark spots along the sides. 4 yr. = 9 inches, 10 yr. = 20 inches(approx.. growth)

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