Fish Id: A Guide To East Coast Fishes

This image of an immature fish is poor---I couldn't get the dorsal fins to show properly!
This specimen courtesy of Ed Braun

 ( family Lophiidae ) 
Lophius americanus

Also known as the Goosefish. Flatish, elongate brown body, with narrow tail, and broad almost flattened head. Mouth broad and full of teeth. Roundish darker spots along the body. Green Eyes. Two spines on the top of the head near the mouth, looking like fishing poles. Third spine on the top of the head, followed by two dorsal fins, the first spiny, the second one rounded with soft rays. Pelvic fin directly below the second dorsal fin on the tail.
Edible. Commonly sold in markets as Monkfish or Poor Man's Lobster.


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