Mascot Pics 1997

Our Mascots
Our Mascots
1997 Pictures & Notes
1997--------This is one of our store mascots, Bullet.
He is a two year old black crowned night heron. His feather pattern is still immature, bullet out back
but by next year, his adult grey and white plumage should be coming in. He visits at our store every fall and winter, staying into the spring until the snowy white egrets show up. He is into profit sharing--he shares/eats the minnows which ought to be our profit.
The last picture we had the chance to take this season, since the last day we saw Bullet was April 3rd. bullet on the shrimp box
On April 6th, the first of our pair of Snowy White Egrets arrived, munched down 1/2 a pint of minnows, and swooped away down the lagoon again. The other one should arrive any day, assuming that he wintered out all right. We'll try to get some pics up once they are settled in.

April 7th, Scott went down to the dock and snapped a few good ones of the Snowy White Egret. This one is Skiddy, he has no metal band around his leg. The banded one is still not here yet--he's Eggie. Skiddy
Skiddy2 Skiddy

The cold snap April 9th brought Bullet back, and we have a brief time with both birds competeing for minnows. Bullet is hovering near the feed cup. Bullet & Skiddy
Skiddy has learned to eat from the cup by watching Bullet--when Bullet lets him anywhere near the food, that is. 

News update 4/12/97: we have a biologist who comes through periodically to buy bait, and he let us know that we were mistaken about Bullet's migratory habits--he is supposed to go south, just like the Egrets do, but the idiot stayed here all winter, enduring the cold, for all those easy to catch minnows. So now we expect to have all the birds here this summer!

Skiddy at cup Bullet & Skiddy on pavement


Iggy has finally arrived. Russ was down on the dock working the shrimp box, and Iggy just swooped on down and landed near him. We'd almost given up on seeing him again. Hooray!

Skiddy sunning


I decided to see if Skiddy would tolerate having me less than 2 feet away while he ate. He didn't mind--and the result is several really nice closeups.

me skiddy

7/3/97 Here are a few more pics of our pals, taken over the last two weeks. You can see that Bullet, the night heron, has gone through a moult, and is looking darker (the chick spot pattern is gone). skid
We also took these with the new camera---much better detail! skid


9/21/97 A New Visitor! A Young Double-crested Cormorant. Cormorant on the Dock

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