Mascot Pics 1999

Our Mascots
Our Mascots
1999 Pictures & Notes
April 16, 1999
A pair of nice closeups of our feathered friend.
We've already seen several of the night herons since Bullet arrived again on March 27th. The snowy egret arrived not long after, and as usual, the two birds perform their aggressive territorial manuevers around each other.They will tolerate each other up to a distance of about 5 feet, unless there are minnows present. :)

April 26, 1999
Okay, we were bad. Spoiled bird is even more spoiled than before.
bullet at the counter
We started letting him eat just inside the back door, then one morning he ended up on the counter. We'll have to discourage this. That afternoon, he flew in the door while Scott was working with a customer, landed on the boxes of salted baits on the counter, then sidled over to look at the customers bag of minnows.  The customer slipped one out the the bag for him. Reminds me of giving a dog a bisquit... he begs pretty much the same way.
So, since we can't have him cruising in and startling the customers, not to mention that sharp beak, Bullet will have to go back to his outside feeding cup routine.

August 22nd, 1999
Jamie Orlando won our baby bird Naming Contest when her choice received the most votes in our poll.
"Shyster" has been learning the ropes from the two older birds.
As of 9/9/99, we have two young birds here. The newer one is a little larger than Shyster, so we think it's a female. I think we'll name her Gizmo (another name contributed by Bryon Haslam).
These birds are very territorial. We've watched them chasing each other around for the last few weeks, sometimes fluffing up their feathers, other times, bouncing up and down at each other with their wings extended. JR, last years youngster, is especially bossy. She's been competing with the older bird Bullet, to the extent of pulling Bullets white crest off!

Mistress of all she surveys!
Gizmo on top of the trailer.

Shyster on the dock ramp

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